We partner with companies by leading empowering trips with New Jersey urban youth. These trips offer a unique opportunity for mentorship and enrichment, as well as a team building and self-development for your employees.
If you would like to partner with Team Wilderness to provide an amazing trip for your organization complete the form below.

Our corporate partnerships have included:
Goldman Sachs
TikTok (pictured)
“We partnered with Team Wilderness for a day hike and were able to bring students and employees together for a spectacular hike. It was a beautiful fall day and you could see that both the students and employees enjoyed getting outside and spending time together, getting to know each other in a different setting. While some mentorship conversations can feel ‘forced’, the dialogue as we hiked was incredibly organic and the students didn’t take too long to really open up. We would definitely sign up to go out again.”
- Jesse, Vice-President, Goldman Sachs
"It was great to spend time with Greta and Dakota. I really enjoyed getting to know the students without them being shy or afraid to share their story. I saw me in a few of them and it really felt amazing! Thank you!"
-Anonymous feedback from a corporate partnership employee